November 18, 2013

The last of fall...

I saw my first specks of snow this past week.  Although they didn't last long, it was a gentle reminder that the days are getting shorter and colder, and that those beautiful colours we all enjoy during fall are quickly disappearing. 

These photos are from a recent trip to visit my parents. I am glad I could catch the leaves before they all fell. 

I love this place.

Don't forget to participate in the "What inspires your senses?" photo linkup on Friday, November 22! More details can be found here

 photo marsignature_zpsfb974fa3.jpg



  1. Your pictures are just gorgeous! Fall is so beautiful

  2. Gorgeous colours. Where do your parents live? Wondering where that beach is...
    Claire xx

  3. These pictures are beautiful!!!! The colors are amazing and so vibrant!


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