If you had of told me...
My word for 2015, was ENJOY. And enjoy I sure did.
Looking back, 2015 brought many adventures and surprises for both myself and my family. If a year ago you had of told me that 2015 would have been even half the year it was, I probably would have had a hard time believing it.
If you had of told me...
That our mystery family vacation would take us to Italy... I would have said that I didn't expect Europe, but arrivederci Toronto, bonjourno Italy! The summer was made even better when we spent a whirl-wind 2 weeks traveling through Rome, Naples and the Amalfi Coast. I'm so glad that could make the trip even better by surprising my family (on my dad's birthday) with our baby news in a little cafe, as we stuffed our bellies with homemade pasta, in Rome. Because who are we kidding, my family would have caught on reeeaaaalllll quick when I wasn't keeping up with the vino.

That our yearly camping adventure would continue and others would jump on board... I would have told you to go take a hike. I'm happy that we were able to push our family members outside of their comfort zone, and that they enjoyed every minute of it. While we will be taking a step back from our usual canoe-in adventures and just do some car camping in late summer (as long as babe says its ok), I love that our camping gang continues to grow and is now a yearly tradition.
That our condo construction would start in 2015... I would have laughed in your face. Considering we signed the dotted line over a year ago and things were moving very slowly because of "city delays", I didn't anticipate to receive the news until at least the beginning of the new year. But low and behold, we received the letter with those 3 little words I've been longing to hear, "construction has begun", last week.
That Christmas 2015 would be anything but white... I would have said its not possible, as I stomped my foot. For as long as I can remember we've had a white Christmas. But, apparently, there's a new norm, and I don't like it. In Toronto it was the warmest Christmas Eve on record, breaking the old record of 12.2C in 1964, even warmer than sunny Los Angeles. On Christmas Eve day I saw a man out running in shorts and a t-shirt and the car read 14C (or 60F). I don't like it one bit.
And best of all - if you had of told me...
That we would be a family of 3 in early 2016... I would have had a slight panic, while dollar signs flashed before my eyes. But ultimately, would have said bring it on! Possibly the biggest, and best, news for our family this year was the addition of baby, and grandchild, #1. We can't wait to meet the little guy or gal at the end of March!
So, it's safe to say that 2015 was full of adventures and surprises, and that I enjoyed every. single. minute of it.
I'm thinking 2016 will be just as exciting - moving into a new and temporary apartment, the new babe, the joys of maternity leave in Canada, camping and a trip back to Alaska, just to name a few adventures in store for us.
Bring it on 2016!
What adventures and surprises did 2015 bring for you?
What word will describe your 2016?