September 15, 2011


This post is about the little white ball of fluff that is temporarily calling the Alaska Zoo home.  She is a 4 month old polar bear cub found orphaned on an oil field up on the North Slope in Alaska.  She is not yet available for the public to see, but believe me when I say she is the cutest thing I have ever seen.  It brought a tear to my eye to think that this 17 lb fluff ball was wandering around all by herself. She is property of US Fish and Wildlife and we are just temporarily holding her until she gains some weight and USFWS finds a facility to take her.  It’s hard not to get attached…
Click on the photo I took of the little one to learn more… This is information that was released to the media and includes pictures taken by John Gomes, the Alaska Zoo photographer.  

This post is about the little white ball of fluff that is temporarily calling the Alaska Zoo home.  She is a 4 month old polar bear cub found orphaned on an oil field up on the North Slope in Alaska.  She is not yet available for the public to see, but believe me when I say she is the cutest thing I have ever seen.  It brought a tear to my eye to think that this 17 lb fluff ball was wandering around all by herself. She is property of US Fish and Wildlife and we are just temporarily holding her until she gains some weight and USFWS finds a facility to take her.  It’s hard not to get attached…

Photos  ©Marla Wales 2011


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