December 5, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Steve is FINALLY back from his 18 day, 3 state, road trip.  While it is nice to have some time to myself, it gets old real fast and it's very nice to have him back! 

The Aces went 6-0-2 (6 wins, 0 losses, 2 overtime/shoot out loses) on their road trip, for a total of 14 out of 16 possible points.  They're on fire!  In the last game vs Bakersfield, Steve scored the over time game-winning goal! Click here for the article in ADN. He has been having an awesome season so far and is currently leading the league in plus/minuses. Go Celebrity Steve!

While he was gone I decided to put up our Christmas tree.  Instead of our little dinky tree we had last year, I decided to go all out and buy a real tree.  Afterall, this apartment is our home so why not make it feel like one?!
Steve was very excited to see these two little guys when he got home.  Mo is now full grown, and Rocky has put on a large amount of weight.  Because of this massive weight gain, we have begun to wonder if Rocky is actually a Rockette.  I guess we will find out in the upcoming weeks!
Rocky and Mo watching tv and loving life!
Everyone keeps asking what the weather is like in Alaska right now.  November was extremely cold... lots of snow and temperatures down to -20Fs.  December however is definitely a lot different.  Last week temperatures reached the +40Fs.  The snow started melting and we got a lot of rain.  Now all of the roads are like skating rinks.  But I guess that's just Alaska.  If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes.  It is also dark when we go to work in the morning, and dark when we leave in the evening.  Today, sunrise was 9:53am and sunset is 3:48pm.  I must admit, I am definitely looking forward to Vegas in February and Hawaii in June!

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