December 16, 2016

Cookies for Santa Plate Tutorial

Where has the time gone? We are in the single digits until Christmas. That's 9 days folks. And I haven't even finished my shopping. Whoops.

What I have done in my state of Christmas shopping procrastination is make the cutest DIY plate for Santa's cookies. This is such an easy and inexpensive DIY, and a great tradition to start with the little one on her first Christmas. Mom of the year, right here. 

Cookies for Santa Plate DIY

Like many families I'm sure, it was always tradition in our house growing up to leave out milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. As we got older, I'm pretty sure the milk switched to beer, but that's besides the point, and also many many years ago when we were unaware of the implications of drinking and flying a sleigh.

Seeing as this is Morley's first Christmas, we need to start the cookies for Santa game off strong. Which means she can't leave out cookies on any old plate. No, it needs to be on a plate specifically for Santa, so he knows they're just for him and how much we appreciation him.  I've also been informed that Santa likes homemade treats, which means that I will definitely be over-achieving this Christmas. Glad someone told me early though, can't disappoint the big man.

Cookies for Santa Plate DIY

In the past I've shared a similar tutorial for the wine and coffee/tea lovers in your life, but today's tutorial is for a certain jolly man in a red suit. If you're looking to add some flair to your Christmas Eve tradition, check out this easy and inexpensive (think $2) tutorial for a homemade cookie plate for Santa.

Santa's Cookies Plate Tutorial


  • Small white ceramic plate
  • Oil-based permanent markers
  • Stencil (optional)
  • Cotton ball
  • Nail polish remover

Cookies for Santa Plate DIY


Start by thoroughly washing your plate with dish soap and water. It’s important to remove all traces of dirt or oily residue and any stickers. I purchased this white plate the my local Walmart for about $2, but you can also find something similar at your local Dollar Store. Make sure the plate is completely dry before you start decorating.

Choose your design. If you don't trust yourself to freehand the personalization, use a stencil. I chose to use the black, gold and silver permanent markers I had lying around the house, but they can also be purchased at your local office supply or craft store. 

The sky's the limit with holiday-inspired designs - I chose a black string of silver Christmas lights, with the words "Santa's Cookies" in gold in the middle of the lights. 

Cookies for Santa Plate DIY

I also added the date to the bottom of the plate since this will be a keepsake for my daughter as she gets older. 

Don't worry if you make a mistake, you can easily remove it with a cotton swab dipped in a bit of nail polish remover.

When you're happy with your design, allow to dry completely before the next step.

Cookies for Santa Plate DIY

The final step is to bake the plate in the oven to cure. Set the plate in a cold oven. Do not allow the oven to preheat - you want the oven and plate to heat gradually so it does not crack. Turn the oven to 350 degrees and allow to "bake" for 30 minutes. Once the time is up, turn the oven off BUT do not remove the plate. Open the oven just a crack and allow to cool completely before removing, about an hour.

If you're a bit of a perfectionist like me and your design looks streaky (like above), you may want to retrace the design and bake once more.

Cookies for Santa Plate DIY
Cookies for Santa Plate DIY

The plate is now dishwasher safe (top rack), however, I recommend washing gently by hand, with a non-abrasive sponge, just to be safe. Keep in mind, this tutorial can be replicated on any type of glass or ceramic serving ware, like these mugs and wine glasses. You can also design a mug for Santa's milk!

The homemade treats on the above plate are this recipe for Chocolate Butter Toffee Bars. Not your traditional cookie, but one of Santa's weaknesses. Or so I've been told.

Do you set out milk and cookies for Santa? What kind of cookies do you leave? I'd love to hear!

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