May 15, 2017

The Best Mommy Blogger Hashtags

Love 'em or hate 'em, as a blogger and social influencer, hashtags are extremely important. Whether you're a lifestyle blogger, fashion and beauty blogger, mommy blogger or any niche in between, hashtags play an important role in growing your online community and influence.

The Best Mommy Blogger Hashtags for Growing Your Instagram

Many people have reservations about the use of hashtags, often thinking they look spammy, tacky or even desperate. But in fact, as a social influencer, hashtags are the best way to reach people within your target audience and those that may not otherwise see and interact with your content, including brands.

This can't be more true for Instagram.

The Best Mommy Blogger Hashtags for Growing Your Instagram

Instagram is my favourite social media platform. I love taking photos and sharing those photos for others to see. It has quickly become an important tool for taking To & Fro to the next level and working with brands to monetizing my content. 

On the flip side, I also love looking at others’ photos. One way that I do this is through the use of hashtags. I will search a hashtag and oftentimes get lost looking at the categorized content within.

I recently hit 5,000 followers on Instagram and can contribute the majority of that following to the use of hashtags and engaging with others. (Don't forget to enter the celebratory giveaway.) 

With hitting this milestone, I thought it would be great to share my hashtag insight, tips and tricks with others looking to grow their community, engagement and brand. And, as someone who fits into the “mommy blogger” niche, I’m sharing the best, and also my favourite, hashtags to use. PLUS a free template to copy, paste and save for your future photos!

The Best Mommy Blogger Hashtags for Growing Your Instagram

What are hashtags and why should I use them?

Incorporating hashtags into every single one of your Instagram posts enables people that don't already follow you to see, and perhaps like, your photos. If they really like what they see, they might even go on to follow you. Remember, in order to utilize hashtags successfully and for others to see your content, your account MUST be public!

When brands are looking for influencers to work with, the number of followers you have isn't always the most important. Nowadays, brands care about engagement. How many people interact and engage with your content, in the form of likes and comments? The use of relevant hashtags will help boost your engagement.

If you have great content, some of the more popular hashtags may even re-gram (i.e. re-share) your photo, which would obviously help your engagement.

How many can I use?

Instagram allows you to use a maximum of 30 hashtags, so you might as well take advantage and use them all to maximize engagement. Remember, this number is inclusive of ALL hashtags, including those within the caption.

Don't use the same 30 hashtags each post! Doing so will not help your engagement because you'll be reaching the exact same audience each time, rather than branching out.

Where do I place them?

In the comments. Always in the comments. Sure you can throw a few in your caption (i.e. if you are working with a brand and must disclose using #ad and the relevant campaign hashtags), but the majority should reside in the first comment of your post. 

Placing the hashtags in the first comment box means they will be hidden when more people comment on your image, making it look cleaner. It also means that they will not show if you share the image on other social channels, such as Facebook or Twitter.

How do I add them?

Have a "go to" list of hashtags ready and waiting in the notes section of your computer or phone. All it takes is a copy, paste and send. Once you have pasted them in the comments, you can make a few tweaks and add a few more relevant to the photo. 

Remember, once you hit send on that comment, unlike with the photo caption, edits cannot be made. If you make an error, you will need to delete and restart.

Are you a mommy blogger? See below for a list of the best hashtags for mommy bloggers (and a few of my favourites).

When should I post them?

Right away! As in immediately after you hit publish on the photo. With the new Instagram algorithm, hashtags are linked to when the photo was posted, not to when the comment was posted. Therefore if you post the hashtags an hour after the photo, there’s a chance the photo could already be buried, and the hashtags won’t necessarily work in your favour.

Should I use those with a lot of photos, or few photos?

You want a mix of popular and new hashtags. Certainly people will be searching the popular hashtags, however, it will be easier for your content to get buried with those that have a large number of photos. New hashtags with fewer photos will still help with engagement.

The key is finding hashtags that fit your photo which are used by a big enough set of people, but small enough that your photo stays near the top of the recent posts for as long as possible.

Which ones are best for me?

There are so many different hashtags out there. Which ones are best for you, and the goal of growing your community, is really up to you. Ultimately, the decision depends on the subject of your photo. Choose wisely and think about which hashtags will give you the best exposure for your photo. Two great questions to ask yourself when deciding which hashtags to use - What is the subject of your photo? Who is the audience you want to reach?

It may take a bit of trial and error to find out which ones are best for you and your content, but once you dial in, I can assure you, you will see nothing but growth.

The Best Mommy Blogger Hashtags to Grow Your Instagram

For the mommy blogger niche, the number of relevant hashtags is endless. Need a little help to get started? Below is a list of the most popular mommy blogger hashtags, as well as some of my favourites. Copy and paste this list into the notes section of your computer or phone. Add or subtract hashtags relevant to the photo subject, and watch your engagement grow. 

Top 30 Instagram Hashtags for Mommy Bloggers


Bottom line - hashtags are important. If you don't use them, the only people that will see your content will be your followers, and maybe your mom. 

Check out To & Fro's Instagram to see how I effectively utilize hashtags to increase engagement and influence. 

What are your favourite hashtags? Any tips or tricks? I'd love to hear!

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